Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7 Tips To Help With Your Network Marketing Start-up Costs

If you don’t have the funds built into your budget for the initial and ongoing expenses of a network marketing business here are seven ways that you can cut spending in order to afford to start and maintain your new business in its early stages.

1. Have a garage sale- You will get rid of unnecessary clutter and be more organized.

2.Get rid of your cable- All that television is no good for you anyway and you’ll also be saving on your electricity bill. Use the time to read books and listen to audio tapes pertinent to the network marketing industry.

3. Stop eating out- Making your meals at home is healthier for you and arguably more sanitary.

4. When grocery shopping, forgo the brand name products in favor of store brand- They are all made by the same manufacturers anyway; the only real difference is the packaging.

5. Avoid going t the movies- Wait until the shows are released on video. It’s cheaper and you won’t spend a fortune at the concession stand.

6. Do your hair and nails yourself- You will save both time and money that could be better spent on your business.

7. Start a part-time job-Think of all the valuable contacts you can make that may turn out to be potential recruits for your business.

When you’ve built a wildly successful network marketing business, you can splurge all you want and watch the reruns on television.

Read a good book along the way.

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work."...Robert T Kyosaki Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

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