Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7 Tips To Help With Your Network Marketing Start-up Costs

If you don’t have the funds built into your budget for the initial and ongoing expenses of a network marketing business here are seven ways that you can cut spending in order to afford to start and maintain your new business in its early stages.

1. Have a garage sale- You will get rid of unnecessary clutter and be more organized.

2.Get rid of your cable- All that television is no good for you anyway and you’ll also be saving on your electricity bill. Use the time to read books and listen to audio tapes pertinent to the network marketing industry.

3. Stop eating out- Making your meals at home is healthier for you and arguably more sanitary.

4. When grocery shopping, forgo the brand name products in favor of store brand- They are all made by the same manufacturers anyway; the only real difference is the packaging.

5. Avoid going t the movies- Wait until the shows are released on video. It’s cheaper and you won’t spend a fortune at the concession stand.

6. Do your hair and nails yourself- You will save both time and money that could be better spent on your business.

7. Start a part-time job-Think of all the valuable contacts you can make that may turn out to be potential recruits for your business.

When you’ve built a wildly successful network marketing business, you can splurge all you want and watch the reruns on television.

Read a good book along the way.

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work."...Robert T Kyosaki Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

Monday, January 21, 2008

First Class MLM

Interested in learning more about MLM? Check out Tim Sales new website First Class MLM. Tim is a leader in the MLM industry. You will learn "the truth about Multi Level Marketing- both good and bad."

Read a good book today


"The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work."...Robert T Kyosaki Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

My Mom Doesn't Wear Perfume....She Wears Candles!

My son Isaiah is a hoot! Yesterday all his brothers had play dates so he was home alone with me. I suddenly remembered I had to go to the store so we got dressed in our street clothes and went to our local Wal-Mart.

He was pretty good in the store...no whining and asking for everything his eyes came to rest on!(Occasionally, he gets like that)

We were standing by the check-out counter and a lady said to me "Excuse me dear, can you tell me the name of that perfume? I've never smelt anything like it before."

Before I could get my mouth opened, Isaiah pipes up, "My mom doesn't wear perfume, she wears candles." I was mortified...my face got a little hot because quite a few ladies were now actively listening.

The lady said, "Well dear, it sure smells better than any perfume I've smelt recently...what candle scent are you wearing?" "Yes", chimes in another lady,"I love candles and I would love to have that scent."

"It's Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper. I'm a Candle Distributor and
it's our company's most popular scent."

"I can see why" one lady said and another quickly chimed in,
"It also seems to be yours!" Everyone started laughing and
I had several requests for business cards.

Luckily for me, I never leave home without my candle scent
samples attached to my business cards, so I handed out
quite a few right there in the store;even the cashier asked
for one.

When I got home I had a message on my telephone from
the lady who had started the conversation in the first place.
She wanted to order some candles and is interested in
hosting a candle party!

Thanks to Isaiah I have a new customer! It really pays to
have your children involved in your business if at all possible.
Even though he's only five, I allow him to grate my scent
samples and the other boys all help me with bagging them and
stapling them to my business cards.

In network marketing, a distributor is always encouraged to
use and if possible to wear their products...who knew that a
candle could be used as well as worn?

For the record, I do wear perfume! I have worn the same
scent for years and just at the end of last year I discovered
a new one by Danielle Steel...yummy!

Read a good book today!

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks;everyone else looks for work"...Robert T.Kyosaki, Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Do I Lead With The Product Or The Opportunity?

Here is a really interesting article that came into my inbox last night. Like the author, I have been faced by this question several times during my network marketing career.What if your network marketing has a GREAT product that's only surpassed by the opportunity? If only it was as simple as pushing the easy button!

"This is a classic question, one I've been asked a number of times. I'll tell you flat out that you can go either way, but the type of organization you produce will differ based on this choice.

Me . . I like to lead with the opportunity because as far as I can see that IS the real product that the network marketing industry provides and fulfills in the end. Most people don't get starting in a business because they love the product so much they couldn't help but start a business around it. Some do, don't get me wrong, but the bread and the butter in the industry, what drives most network marketers' engines, is the opportunity for a better quality of life andlimitless income.

The old analogy is . . . If I hold $100 in one hand and $100's worth of any company's product or service in the other which would you choose? It's a no brainer - it's the money. Why? Money is potential. Product is just product. Most people want more money, not more product. So its an easy and natural choice for me to lead with the opportunity, especially after living the results of this way of thinking and promoting. But other very successful network marketers do it the other way around and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Your expectations should be much different though . . .If you lead with the opportunity you should expect it to be much easier to recruit and find highly motivated business builders. This path will lead to faster growth, but it ain't perfect. If you overdo the opportunity approach you'll find and attract people who are excited enough to join and dream, but not excited enough to really make it happen. So the attrition rate will also be higher.If you lead with the product you'll be retailing your way to wealth.

The positive is you're income over time will be more stable,but only a small portion of those that use the product will be of the same mind as you to go out and grow a business around it. Your business grows slower and steadier. This is the path I've seen many older networkers take, because they can do it as more of hobby at first, and if it grows into something then great.

Typically with steady pushing on this path you'll see a liveable wage in 3 to 7 years. Leading with the opportunity you can create a liveable wage in less than a year, but you'll have to expect and deal with more turnover.The only thing about retailing, if that's the way you wanna go, is it's tough to do online,and if you've tried it you know exactly what I mean. Online you can retail, but the best product for retail online is information, not moon juice or phone plans. Why? Everyone who's a marketer want's to know how to get better, so you'll have more sales and earn more fast front end income and you'll tap into the exact market that you'd like to find great prospects in - the business builder market.That's the way I see it."

To the top,

Daegan"The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead"

Read a good book along the way!

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks; everyone else looks for work."
....Robert T. Kyosaki, Author "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Putting Your Horse In Every Home Based Business Race!

Recently, I met a lady who was looking at my gourmet candle business. While getting to know her, she said to me, "I've been trying my hand at this home based business deal for twenty five years. I've tried just about everything out there...as a matter of fact I'm currently with three other companies."

My eyes popped open and I hoped she hadn't seen the shock on my face! Twenty-five years with no success and currently promoting three other home based business opportunities?

Her statement resonated deeply with me! It reminded me of something my Mom used to tell me when I was a teenager.."You want to put your horse in every race, take care you don't win any."

Yes I am writing about horses again!(I happen to love them).

We have a horse race in Barbados that takes place annually-it's called the Cockspur Gold Cup. It takes place in March and people travel from all over the world to be there.(My father-in-law from Queens, New York has not missed it once in fifteeen years!)

It's like the Belmont Stakes...the creme-de-la-creme of the horse racing community turns out. Picture these horses trying to run this prestigious race after having just run another!

This veteran home business seeker of twenty-five years had put her horse in two many races, and unfortunately was not winning any! Have you seen a horse after it has run a race? They have no stamina, they tire easily...they literally cannot run another race right after they've ran one.

Take a look at every successful home home based builder around you. What do they all have in common? If you don't know, I'll tell you...They all have their HORSE in only ONE race!

Choose your home based business race carefully and try to make it a Cockspur Gold Cup race!

Read a good book along the way!

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks;everyone else looks for work."
Robert T. Kyosaki, Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Be A Horse In Home Based Business

I'm from the tiny island of Barbados in the
Eastern Caribbean. Horse racing is a
major sport there second only to cricket
and soccer.

I grew up going to the Garrison Savannah (our one
racetrack) every Saturday with my Dad. I remember
asking him why horses wear blinders. He told me that
they wear them to focus on the finish line and to not
get distracted by the other horses in the race and
people around the track.

I must confess that when I first got started in building
my gourmet candle business, I did not put my blinders
on. I had a clear target in mind but I was not focused
on it.

As you know there are tons of distractions, especially
on the internet where I build the bulk of my business.
I have been distracted along the way by other horses
in the race (other home business opportunities) and by
other people around the track (reading and answering
emails, talking on the phone and a myriad of the
by-products of life).

I recently read a sentence by Mark Joyner that had a
profound effect on me: "If a surgeon was going to give
you a heart transplant do you think he could accomplish
this while watching a ball game on television at the same time?"

I have to tell you this was a wake-up call for me. How
could I successfully build a million dollar business, if my
eyes weren't focused on the finish line? How could I
lead and mentor my business partners if I was spinning
around with my eyes wide shut?

I decided to put my blinders on and become fully
engaged in the race I was in. The race to personal
and financial freedom; the race to teach others
how to achieve their goals and dreams.

Sure, there are other people in the race, but if I am
distracted by them, I will never finish, let alone win!

So my advice to you is to burst out of the gate with
your eyes focused on the end result. Let no-one and
nothing distract you from your success goals...
Be a HORSE...put your BLINDERS on!

Read a good book along the way!

Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks;
everyone else looks for work". --Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author, "Rich Dad,Poor Dad"