He was pretty good in the store...no whining and asking for everything his eyes came to rest on!(Occasionally, he gets like that)
We were standing by the check-out counter and a lady said to me "Excuse me dear, can you tell me the name of that perfume? I've never smelt anything like it before."
Before I could get my mouth opened, Isaiah pipes up, "My mom doesn't wear perfume, she wears candles." I was mortified...my face got a little hot because quite a few ladies were now actively listening.
The lady said, "Well dear, it sure smells better than any perfume I've smelt recently...what candle scent are you wearing?" "Yes", chimes in another lady,"I love candles and I would love to have that scent."
"It's Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper. I'm a Candle Distributor and
it's our company's most popular scent."
"I can see why" one lady said and another quickly chimed in,
"It also seems to be yours!" Everyone started laughing and
I had several requests for business cards.
Luckily for me, I never leave home without my candle scent
samples attached to my business cards, so I handed out
quite a few right there in the store;even the cashier asked
for one.
When I got home I had a message on my telephone from
the lady who had started the conversation in the first place.
She wanted to order some candles and is interested in
hosting a candle party!
Thanks to Isaiah I have a new customer! It really pays to
have your children involved in your business if at all possible.
Even though he's only five, I allow him to grate my scent
samples and the other boys all help me with bagging them and
stapling them to my business cards.
In network marketing, a distributor is always encouraged to
use and if possible to wear their products...who knew that a
candle could be used as well as worn?
For the record, I do wear perfume! I have worn the same
scent for years and just at the end of last year I discovered
a new one by Danielle Steel...yummy!
Read a good book today!
Sharon Mayers
"The richest people in the world look for and build networks;everyone else looks for work"...Robert T.Kyosaki, Author, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
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